Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Bahhhhhaaaaammmmmaaaassss


I'm sure you are wondering why i'm dragging everything out, but its because everything in the Bahamas is muuuuuuuch slower then it is in the States. Like it is crazy how much slower everyone moves. And it's not necessarily a bad thing, but allow me to give you a few examples. Before I say anything, I have to say that all of the Bahemians (idk if thats how you spell it...) are super sweet! Always helping you out and wishing you good morning and good afternoon, definitely something I'm not used to... but could GET used to :). However, at dinner last night, I had just arrived from my flight at like 7:30 and was so hungry because I hadn't eaten all day. We go to this famous fish fry place and dinner literally took 4 hours. It was ridiculous.... but it was pretty good so I can't complain.

The Bahamas are beautiful and it's been really fun meeting all of the SAS'ers! This hotel is pretty much overrun by them, so basically any college student I see is probably going on my ship. I board tomorrow at 8 am....which is QUITE early but at least I'll be on the boat. There are also quite a few fellow Aztecs that I've been meeting! It's crazy that there are people from State that I don't even know. 

I feel like there's more that I should say but i'm REALLY tired so i will just list some highlights:

-I bought a floppy hat that is a cross between a grandma and a horse race type hat... aka its AWESOME
-Everything is VERY pricey because it's imported (a grande sbux ice coffee was like $4.90)
-A lot of SAS peeps went to Senor Frogs tonight and it was verrryyyyy fun
-I ran into a kid from my high school so that's random
-The Bahamas is really humid, everyone speaks english and I have listened to Lil John more on the radio here than I have at home.

Okay well it's my bed time now!!! Next time I post I will be on the boat :)

1 comment:

  1. "It's crazy that there are people from State that I don't even know. "- Lyndsi Sherman
    hahahahahaha, yes there are people that go to our 34,000+ school that you havent met. I realize you are talking about SAS, but still. Also you should like that things are slow, we know you run on turtle time =]
