Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'M ON A BOAT (correction: Ship)

Hello everyone! So I know I haven't written in a while, because the Internet here is noooo bueno and you have to pay for it and I am scared to use my minutes! But this is now the fifth full day on the ship, but it feels like I've been on this ship foreverrrr! Like you know when you’re at summer camp and every day feels like a week? That's exactly how it is here. I pretty much have a set schedule, so I will explain it all here!

I wake up at around 8:10 when my roommate Jordan wakes me up. I roll out of bed so we can leave the cabin in time for breakfast, which ends at 8:30, so naturally we roll up at around 8:25.  I then eat breakfast which consists of the same thing everyday. There are potatoes, runny scrambled eggs, some type of omelet that is also made with runny eggs, a  mystery meat, French toast, oatmeal or something similar, fruit, danishes, bagels and or toast and of course coffee. That might sound good but considering it's the same thing everyday, it gets really boring, oh I forgot to add that there are hard boiled eggs. My breakfast consists of hardboiled eggs, toast with peanut butter (sooooo crucial) coffee ( just as important) and cereal normally to eat or take it as contraband back to my room because we aren't allowed to take food from the dining room but naturally I feel the need to.

After breakfast we go back to our room and get ready for our classes at 9:20. Jordan has some awful Econ class and I have global studies which is where I'm writing this blog post. It's the class that everyone is required to take, and it's pretty boring. Hence why I'm not paying attention. It's all about the Mediterranean so it's kindaaaa interesting but normally not.

So after global studies I go to the gym at 11. You have to sign up but a lot of times people don't go at the time they sign up for, so I just kind of show up. I work out and then do my stretching routine on the deck which is awesome. Stretching outside definitely trumps stretching inside. Depending on if I'm planning on laying out later in the day,I might or might not shower. I then meet my group of friends for lunch at 12:15 for lunch. If you think my rant about breakfast was long, GET READY for the other meals.

So SAS (semester at sea) has a strange obsession with potatoes. Lunch and dinner always have potatoes!!!!! But in addition to potatoes, there is some variety of pasta, rice, mystery meat, salad, steamed vegetables, soup of some sort, sometimes a hummus wrap if I'm lucky and a questionable dessert that is good on occasion. The meals (all on different days... You can't have all the good food on one day, it would just be a crisis)  that were the most exciting included rice with chicken in it, fried rice with eggs in it, hummus and lettuce wraps, and these delicious devils food cake brownies that I put peanut butter on and it was like a Reese’s brownie and def top desert on the ship so far. So for every meal I'll have salad and rice, but last night I hit a wall and just couldn't eat anything in the dining hall so I had a PB and banana sandwich. There's a grill that serves pretty good food but you have to pay for it so you need to make sure that you don't eat at it everyyyyy day. The reason I'm going on about the food is because it is just soo terrible!!!!!! And like its just the same thing everyday and ive never eaten so much salad in my life!!! No joke.

Okay so now after lunch, I either read for class or lay out by the pool ( except not today because it's cloudy) until 2:55 when I have my intercultural communication class. It's kinda boring but kinda okay because ive never taken a communication class before so I like learning about the different theories. I also made a friend with some girl yesterday so that's good because there are a lot of serious beezies on this boat. Then right after intercultural comm, I have my water sanitation class. Originally I was going to drop because like, water sanitation? Come on that's boring. But the teacher is a substitute from the previous voyage and js awesome. Because he makes the class a lot more ISCORy (for the non-aztecs reading my blog, ISCOR is my major and it stands for International Security and Conflict Resolution) and I like that. He's great. Also there are actual boys in that class, and with the 75% girls vs 25% boys, you can imagine the conflict.

So moving on..... Most of my friends have reading to do, but because all my classes are pass/ fail, it's really hard to motivate myself to do work. So I don't! Then after class I have dinner at 6:15 with the same group from lunch ( my roommate Jordan, Jessica Christman, and these two awesome girls Katie and Erica and occasionally other people). Dinner is the same as lunch pretty much, so normally I just drink wine instead of eating. I'm ONLY kidding but perhaps while in other countries, I will do that :).

After dinner is normally do whatever you want. People congregate on the deck, and sometimes it's daunting to meet new people, but that's what you gotta do! Okay global studies is over and now I'm going to the gym :). I will post more later, especially when I'm in the countries and have wifi!!! 

In case you were wondering about the title, it's because we aren't allowed to call the MV explorer ( my new home) a boat because it's a ship. It's kind of a funny joke


  1. It sounds like EIE! Typical lyndsi diet of peanut butter on everything :) How are the girls on the ship? friendly? and how many days do you spend on the boat until you actually get to the destination?


  2. You will find out every way you can make potatoes. Trust me!

    Also Lyndsi, you can save your internet time by typing your blogs in a word document and copy and paste to upload them.

    You can also e-mail blogger from your semester at sea account an update and it will post it on the website for you!! Super easy! :-) Just ask one of the tech guys int he computer lab to show you how to do it or you can do in port.
